Owen and the rest of the 126 will have their work cut out for them. Not only do they need to keep Austin calm, but they need to remain calm themselves in 911: Lone Star season 5, episode 11.
As the promo for the winter premiere told us, there’s a state emergency happening. A meteor is on its way, and this could wipe out the entire state. Naturally, people are going to flee, and this is sure to create some emergency situations for the 126 to respond to.
The 126 doesn’t get to leave the state. They don’t get to run away from the problem, meaning that they could be there as the meteor crashes.
Will the meteor wipe out Austin in 911: Lone Star season 5, episode 11?
The whole of Texas is facing danger in 911: Lone Star. There’s a meteor coming, and this could do one of two things. Wyatt says that it could end up breaking up into tiny pieces. This is the hope, as it will mean that those fragments will cause some damage but not as much as the whole meteor will.
The other thing that could happen is that the meteor remains fully intact. This leads to a state-ending event. There’s only an hour to get people out of the state, which isn’t enough time for a lot of people. They’ll just need to hope that they can get far enough away from the impact to stand a chance of surviving.
As the 126 drive through Austin in an attempt to help people and keep them calm, they can see that people are reacting as if this is going to end everyone. Marjan notes that it feels like an End of Days event with the way people are reacting. This is natural, though. People are going to flee in an attempt to save their lives.
The 126 will be stuck at the firehouse as the meteor comes down. If all this happens in one episode, we know that the meteor won’t end up killing everyone. However, this would be one way to end the series forever. Could the 911 universe wipe Texas off the map?
Check out the promo for 911: Lone Star season 5, episode 11:
911: Lone Star airs Mondays at 8/7c on FOX. Catch up the following day on Hulu.
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