Found season 2, episode 12 recap and review: "Missing While Misidentified"

We go back to the start in Found season 2, episode 12. Here's a look at the events of the episode.
FOUND -- "Missing While Misidentified" Episode 212 -- Pictured: Gabrielle Walsh as Lacey, Karan Oberoi as Dahn -- (Photo by: Matt Miller/NBC)
FOUND -- "Missing While Misidentified" Episode 212 -- Pictured: Gabrielle Walsh as Lacey, Karan Oberoi as Dahn -- (Photo by: Matt Miller/NBC)

After taking a week off, Found season 2, episode 12 brought us the story we’d been waiting for. It’s what happened when Gabi first abducted Sir.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Found season 2, episode 12.

The latest episode brought us the story we needed. We knew that Dhan had helped Gabi take Sir, but we didn’t know how it went from the plan to kill him to him helping the M&A Team with situations. Sir’s life was only saved due to Margaret learning a body may have been Jamie’s.

Just as Gabi took Sir, there was a knock at the door. Police had found remains at the bus station, and Margaret feared the worse: that this was her son.

Sir helps Gabi find out that the remains are definitely not Jamie’s in Found season 2, episode 12

There were some burned remains, and there was a burned book with the remains. Sir wanted to look at the book. He would know the edition and the year of release from that information. It also turns out that Sir was able to hear the conversation from the basement, so we get a hint that Gabi has to reinforce things with that in mind.

Gabi manages to get photos of the crime scene, and she goes through them with Sir. He points out that the book was the third edition, and that it had a particular poem that was removed from later editions. That book was released in 2015, so to be found with the remains, it means the remains were not Jamie’s.

However, then Gabi gets other information. The third edition was actually released in 2007. It was then pulled due to the poem in it. So, it’s back to the possibility that the remains are Jamie’s. Gabi is angry that Sir manipulated her to save his life. Sir was a bit groggy when he looked at the photos the first time. He forgot to point out that the edition was “3R,” which means that it was reissued.

Did Sir forget or was it manipulation? I actually think at this point that he just didn’t share everything because he was groggy. He’s still human, after all. Well, human in nature if not mentally!

Zeke confirms it all. The book was reissued in 2015. It was after Jamie’s disappearance. It’s a relief for Gabi. She and Sir have a discussion. He can help Gabi figure out all the clues that everyone else is missing. After all, he’s good at that, and he has knowledge that so many people don’t. He thinks the way people who take people do. Gabi decides that she will keep him around, but he is only fed when he helps solve a missing person case.

As for the child, it was the body of a little girl. The librarian, who had previously told Gabi that the book was released in 2007, was the one behind it. She had taken the girl, and when the girl wouldn’t stop crying for her parents, she decided to kill her. Poor thing, and poor parents. I can just imagine the fear that little girl had, and the heartbreak the parents felt when they learned the truth.

I really enjoyed seeing the reasons Gabi decided now was the time to take Sir, though. Her father has just died. She is angry that she lost the man she loved for so long. Her dad was never the same after Sir took her for a year, and Gabi understandably blames Sir for that. Criminal Minds has always talked about triggers. Gabi’s dad’s death was the trigger to bring up the trauma and to need revenge. However, she also wants to help people to ensure this doesn’t happen to others, so she’s willing to work with the Devil.

Sir doesn’t allow Gabi to go to jail in Found

With Gabi’s confession, it seems almost impossible for anyone to get Gabi out of jail. Well, Sir manages it. He refuses to share that Gabi took him.

What is his game? Gabi can’t figure that out. She doesn’t know what we know about Sir. We know that he wants to take Gabi away. It’s just the two of them, and he will take time with her in any way that he can. However, right now, he’s in jail for his crimes.

I get a sense that Sir thinks that this is a way for Gabi to see him as a “good man.” Only, he’s not. Gabi isn’t just going to change the way she feels for Sir.

This does mean that Gabi is able to meet the man who claims to be Jamie. Margaret is sure that Jamie is who he says he is, but nobody else is quite as convinced. Gabi points out that Jamie had a mole on his elbow. Do we get an answer on whether this Jamie has that mole? I don’t remember if we saw what Dhan saw, but I guess he saw a mole? The thing is, a lot of people can have a mole there.

Margaret is angry that Dhan would manipulate things to see if Jamie is Jamie. She is so hopeful that this is her son that she’s unwilling to see what could be there. Sure, she used her Margaret Vision, but we’ve seen that isn’t perfect all the time. Gabi’s actions caused her to lose it for a while. Could believing her son is back lead to her overlooking something? It’s possible.

I just don’t think that this is Jamie. If it is, I think something happened to him to want to manipulate a situation. Has he been brainwashed into thinking that his mom needs to pay for things that happened? Is that why he won’t share anything of what happened to him, and why he doesn’t want to see his dad or siblings?

Gabi doesn’t to trust the guy, and I don’t blame her. It’s rather convenient that he came out of the woodwork when Gabi was turning herself in. It’s almost like someone thought this was the perfect time with Gabi out of the way.

Found airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on NBC. Catch up the following day on Peacock.

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