Good Cop/Bad Cop season 1, episode 2 recap and review: "The King's Assassin"

Lou and Henry continue to attempt their new working relationship in Good Cop/Bad Cop season 1, episode 3.
Good Cop/Bad Cop -- “The King's Assassin” -- Image Number: GBC102_0233r -- Pictured (L-R): Clancy Brown as Big Hank, Leighton Meester as Lou, and Luke Cook as Henry -- Photo: Vince Valitutti/Future Shack Entertainment -- © 2025 Future Shack Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.
Good Cop/Bad Cop -- “The King's Assassin” -- Image Number: GBC102_0233r -- Pictured (L-R): Clancy Brown as Big Hank, Leighton Meester as Lou, and Luke Cook as Henry -- Photo: Vince Valitutti/Future Shack Entertainment -- © 2025 Future Shack Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

Lou and Henry need to work another case together in Good Cop/Bad Cop season 1, episode 2. How will they bounce off each other to solve the crime?

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS from Good Cop/Bad Cop season 1, episode 2

While Lou and Henry have a murder investigation involving some crypto bros, Hank gets ready for a fundraiser for the local children’s hospital. Once again, we see just how badly funded the police department is, and how much Hank wants to beat all the other towns.

Accidental overdose or murder in Good Cop/Bad Cop?

Lou and Henry are originally sent to the scene of the crypto bros death to see if it was accidental or intentional. While the last woman to see the bros alive said that it seemed to be accidental, Henry quickly took a sniff of the mushrooms and could tell that it was murder.

The problem is the police department is severely underfunded. That means they have no money for high-tech equipment. Lou is used to this, though, and we get to see that she is smart. She may not be as smart as her brother, but she is able to find hacks to get evidence that she needs. Henry is actually impressed.

The show continues to give us a look at how the siblings can work together. They both bring something to this awkward partnership.

Henry does show his bias. As he develops a crush on one of the potential suspects who reminds him of someone from his past, he refuses to believe that she could be the murderer. It hasn’t taken long to see that Henry does have some weaknesses, and I like that. This show hasn’t made Henry too insufferable with his anti-social ways and awkwardness. There are some endearing human qualities to him, even though he probably wouldn’t want to admit that.

The King's Assassin
Good Cop/Bad Cop -- “The King's Assassin” -- Image Number: GBC102_0628r -- Pictured (L-R): Blazey Best as Nadia, Clancy Brown as Big Hank, Luke Cook as Henry, and Leighton Meester as Lou -- Photo: Vince Valitutti/Future Shack Entertainment -- © 2025 Future Shack Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

Who wanted to murder Kevin in Good Cop/Bad Cop?

There are three main suspects in the murder. There are the other two crypto bros (Todd and AJ) and there’s the assistant who got the mushrooms (from Seattle, so she’s clear in the law there). Well, Esther meets with Henry to share that while Kevin was bad, the other two were worse. He was the third out of the three she’d want to kill.

I was inclined to believe her. She gave a lot of great information to Henry, but I did wonder if she was smart enough to tell Henry what he needed to know to keep his scent off her. Not that he believed it was her anyway.

One thing he did learn was that Kevin broke up with his fiancée because she gave him an STD. That STD was one that Todd, one of the crypto bros had. The fiancée wasn’t the only one Todd gave the STD, too. He’s just a terrible person, but is he really a murderer?

The two need to go on a stakeout, but it leads to an illegal move. Lou and Henry are great at manipulating their father, though. All they need to do is warn him that their crime rate is going to dip below a local town and they end up with him telling them to do exactly what they want to do to continue the investigation.

It turns out that AJ didn’t lose his phone like he said. While he tries to get around handing it over due to some financial privacy needs. Lou with her podcasts and Henry with his love of reading were able to talk them around to hand over the phone.

The video shows that Kevin picked his own bag. There was no guarantee that he would pick the one with the poison, so it wasn’t AJ and Todd who killed him. When I think that I believe a potential suspect, I know that it means I shouldn’t believe them. People give too much information when they’re trying to cover their own butts. Yes, Esther was the killer, and her bad ability to get out of a spot (honestly, reverse into parking spots and it’s so much easier to get out!) made it easy for Lou and Henry to get her.

It was all about money for Esther. She wanted the crypto that the bros were managing.

Hank’s fundraiser becomes a teachable moment

We continue to see just how incompetent Hank is as a police chief, but we also see how much the town loves him. It’s no wonder he’s kept the position as Chief for so long. However, his fundraiser doesn’t go off without a hitch. The lights go out and there’s a smash of glass. When the lights turn on, the fishbowl of money has been broken and all the money for the fundraiser is gone.

Of course, there are a handful of suspects. With Lou and Henry on the murder case, Hank puts the rest of the team on the stolen money case. We get to find out that it’s a lot closer to them than any of them expect. Lou shares with Henry that she stole the money, knowing it would be a teachable moment for Hank. He needs to stop making charity all about him. It’s also a good teachable moment for the rest of the team.

The stakeout where all this is shared does lead to an excellent moment between Lou and Henry. She opens up about how she misses being the big sister. She misses Henry coming to her for advice and respecting her opinions. She thought he missed it, too, and I think there’s a look where he realizes that he does.

It is great to see the team try to solve the crime on their own, though. People often need to be thrown into the deep end to see what they’re capable of. Bradley uses Hank’s girlfriend to get a tip: the most common screw up a detective makes is ruling out the last power you’d suspect. It leads to Bradley actually doing some detective work and realizing that Lou was behind it all. I love that Lou is proud of him for this. She’s also not in trouble because, well, Hank is her dad and he realized the lesson she was teaching him.

Henry and Lou did make a bet, though. Lou wants Henry to go see Marci, his former girlfriend. He’s not ready for it just yet, but there is some hope for this sibling relationship.

I’m liking how quickly the bond is forming between the two. They didn’t lose touch due to an argument, so it makes sense that they would quickly re-bond. They are just genuine siblings.

Good Cop/Bad Cop airs on Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

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