For the last couple of episodes, Agent Zaleski has been gunning for Special Agent Wes Mitchell. It was either Mitchell or Quinn in FBI: International, so how was the Fly Team going to get out of this one?
Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for FBI: International season 4, episode 14.
Just before going on a week’s break, FBI: International saw Agent Quinn decide that she needed to do the right thing. Rather than send Zaleski the emails from the situation in Paris, she turned to Vo to share what was really going on. This led to Vo finding the right time to tell Mitchell about why Quinn was really here.
Mitchell wasn’t surprised to find out that Zaleski had sent Quinn to get dirt on him. He also wasn’t angry at the situation, and he encouraged Quinn to do the thing that was best for her, even if her brother may have been guilty of the things that he was accused of doing.
Zaleski and Mitchell’s thing goes back to Quantico in FBI: International
It turns out that Zaleski is one of those managers who turns out to be an absolute nightmare for anyone he doesn’t like. He’s spent his career gunning after those he feels slighted by, and Mitchell ended up on Zaleski’s radar in Quantico.
When another agent at Quantico had a problem, Mitchell stepped into help. He ended up getting a lot of praise, and Zaleski viewed Mitchell as a threat. From that point, he tried to do what he could to knock Mitchell down. Well, he may have had that opportunity with the emails that Quinn chose not to send.
Mitchell decided that it was time to talk to Quinn and get her side of the story. He also wanted to know if Quinn’s brother was actually guilty of what people said he was. That’s the thing for Quinn; she doesn’t know. There’s a good chance that her brother did mess up, and that’s why she’s somewhat torn.
Zaleski starts gunning for Quinn in FBI: International
Despite Mitchell telling Quinn to send the emails with the Paris details, Quinn decides not to. She makes it clear that she won’t let her legacy happy by being a rat, especially against someone who is a good agent. That leads to Zaleski going after her. Mitchell makes it clear that Quinn is needed on the case, but the FBI doesn’t care. Quinn needs to be on a plane that night for a review board, and it’s all under Zaleski’s orders.
Mitchell and Vo need to find a way around the situation. There is someone who can help, a CIA agent who is looking to handle the case that the Fly Team is in Venice to deal with. The Fly Team offers evidence in return for the agent getting Zaleski off the backs of both Quinn and Mitchell. He comes through with his end of the deal by the end of the episode.
It’s not clear what was said, but Quinn shares the good news that Zaleski said some great things to the Baltimore Field Office, and Quinn is going back to be part of the Violent Crimes department. It’s a great thing for her career. It also sounds like Zaleski is off Mitchell’s back. At least, for now!
FBI: International airs on Tuesdays at 9/8c on CBS. Catch up the following day on Paramount+.
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