The Blue Bloods Season 14A finale date is set at CBS

Blue Bloods Season 14 is being split in two and will be the final season. When will the Part 1 finale air on CBS?
Season 14 Blue Bloods Key art
Season 14 Blue Bloods Key art

CBS has set finale dates for its current shows. The majority of them will air around the usual time, and that includes the Blue Bloods Season 14A finale.

As fans will remember, while Season 14 is the last, it is being split into two parts. The first half of the season, airing in the 2023–2024 season, will have 10 episodes. That 10th episode will air on Friday, May 17. This is around the normal time for finale dates.

The second half of the season will have eight episodes and will air in the 2024–2025 season.

Will there be any breaks in the schedule?

Of course, with the finale date set, it means that we can look ahead at whether there are more breaks to come. The series just returned off the back of a two-week break due to March Madness. This is a break that we’re used to in the schedule. After all, CBS can’t air two things at once.

The series returned along with other Friday night dramas on Friday, April 5. Episode 6 will air on April 12.

This does mean that there will be a one-week break to come. With just four episodes after the April 12 one and five weeks until May 17, a one-week break at some point is necessary. It’s just not exactly clear when that will be just yet.

When will Blue Bloods Season 14B premiere?

When the finale airs, eyes will be on when the show will return. The good news is we know that Blue Bloods Season 14, Part 2 will be part of the fall 2024 schedule. CBS made that clear when announcing that the 14th season was the last and would be split in two parts.

There will be eight episodes, which should mean that all eight will air in the fall. We’ll be saying goodbye to the Reagans at some point in 2024.

Blue Bloods is available to stream on Paramount+.