Is Chicago PD creating a storyline for Petrovic to take over from Upton?

Upton continued to help Petrovic with her alcoholism in Chicago PD. Is this a sign that this is the character coming in to take Upton's place on the team?
CHICAGO P.D. -- "On Paper" Episode 11008 -- Pictured: (l-r) Bojana Novakovic as Josephine Petrovic, Tracy Spiridakos as Hailey Upton -- (Photo by: James Washington/NBC)
CHICAGO P.D. -- "On Paper" Episode 11008 -- Pictured: (l-r) Bojana Novakovic as Josephine Petrovic, Tracy Spiridakos as Hailey Upton -- (Photo by: James Washington/NBC)

When a young girl walked into the police station looking for help, Upton made a call to Petrovic in Chicago PD. It led to a storyline of Upton getting Petrovic the help she needed.

I’ve said from the start of Petrovic’s inclusion in the story that she would be the one to come in after Upton left. That was put into question for a little while due to the storyline of Petrovic being an alcoholic, but the recent storyline makes it look like this is back to being a possibility.

Rather than reporting Petrovic, Upton took her to rehab. Sure, Petrovic didn’t stay at first, but the end to the episode certainly suggests that this is all a turning point.

Petrovic opened up to Upton more in Chicago PD

The episode gave us a little more backstory on Petrovic. Why would the series do something like this if it wasn’t to bring her in during Chicago PD Season 12? We learned what Petrovic’s first memory is, and that leads to a hint of why she turned to alcohol to deal with her life. It was also her reasoning for becoming a cop in the first place.

Petrovic made it clear that she needed to work on the case of the young girl. This started off as her case with the disappearance of Ruthie. It’s been a driving force for her for the longest of times.

With the closure of the case, Petrovic was able to gain some closure. That and the accident she had at the start of the episode led to her making a decision that opens her up to joining Intelligence when Upton leaves. She chose to go back to rehab.

Upton could recommend Petrovic to Voight

There is still now sign as to why Upton is leaving Intelligence at some point in Chicago PD. If we didn’t know Tracy Spiridakos was leaving, we wouldn’t really have any idea that Upton will eventually leave—and it sounds like she is choosing to leave the team and won’t be killed off.

This latest episode did open the door to Upton reassessing her life. She took Petrovic to the same rehab she took her father six times, and her brothers getting out of town came up. Upton is the one that stayed, but is it time for her to move on? Is it time for her to create a life of her own? A conversation with Petrovic in rehab certainly opens the door for that line of thinking.

If Petrovic does continue her time at rehab, Upton is sure to see that change. She could end up recommending Voight take Petrovic on as her replacement. After all, she likes Petrovic’s work when she is clear headed and thinking about the victims. She also wants to see Petrovic keep her job. With someone like Voight there to help her as well, Upton knows that it would be the best for Petrovic and the team.

With the way Petrovic has been focused on for the last few episodes, it does seem like she would be the one to come onto the team. It makes sense to slowly introduce a character when possible instead of a jarring addition.

Chicago PD airs on Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC.