What's happened to Javi in Snowpiercer? (Will he survive?)

With Snowpiercer being in the final season, we know that anyone could die. Did Javi die in that explosion at the end of Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 7?

Snowpiercer Season 1, Episode 10 "994 Cars Long" - Courtesy of Justina Mintz / TNT
Snowpiercer Season 1, Episode 10 "994 Cars Long" - Courtesy of Justina Mintz / TNT

When we get to the final season of a series, we know that anything could happen. Any character could die, and Snowpiercer has already delivered some major losses. Could Javi be another one?

Throughout Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 7, Big Alice was stuck on the far side of the bridge. Realizing that the town was rigged to be bombed, the group realized that there was likely a bomb on the bridge. As Big Alice came back over, it would take out the train, the bridge, and the town in one.

So, Javi, Oz, and others headed out to the bridge to find the explosive. They found it, and then we cut back to Big Alice. As Ruth radioed in to find out if she could come back across, there was an explosion in the distance.

Javi probably isn’t dead in Snowpiercer

We know that Javi had hold of the bomb just before the explosion. Is it possible that the show has just killed off another Engineer?

This is unlikely. For one, it would mean the death happens off-screen, and there is no way a series would get away with doing something like that. Either we would need some proof at the start of Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 8, or there would be plenty of people believing that he was in need of saving.

Plus, Javi is necessary for the story plot. He’s the only Engineer in New Eden right now. While Miles is on Big Alice, he is still learning. He doesn’t have the knowledge that Javi has yet, so removing Javi is sure to be a way to make sure New Eden fails.

On top of that, Javi needs to learn about Ben’s sacrifice. Sure, in the real world, people don’t always hear about things that have happened. This isn’t the real world, though. Viewers need to see people learn, and we need to see the way that Javi reacts at the loss. After all, Ben and Javi were the best of friends on the train. They had each other’s backs so many times.

So, I don’t expect to see Javi killed off in Snowpiercer. At least, not yet. There is always time with three more episodes to go!

Snowpiercer airs on Sundays at 9/8c on AMC.