The Law & Order shows aren't new tonight, but there isn't long to wait for them to return

Law & Order Thursday is something we all look forward to. There is some bad news on Thursday, April 25 as there isn't a new episode of the three shows tonight.
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT -- "Carousel" Episode 25006 -- Pictured: (l-r) Aimé Donna Kelly as Capt. Curry, Mariska Hargitay as Captain Olivia Benson, Jordana Spiro as FBI Special Agent Shannah Sykes, Stephen Wallem as Nurse Rudy Syndergaard -- (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT -- "Carousel" Episode 25006 -- Pictured: (l-r) Aimé Donna Kelly as Capt. Curry, Mariska Hargitay as Captain Olivia Benson, Jordana Spiro as FBI Special Agent Shannah Sykes, Stephen Wallem as Nurse Rudy Syndergaard -- (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)

We are ready for Law & Order Thursday, but NBC isn’t ready for us. There are no new episodes of the three shows tonight, Thursday, April 25.

In some good news, there are reruns of Law & Order, SVU, and Organized Crime tonight. This is a chance to catch up on our favorite shows.

Why a break right now? This is likely two-fold. The first is that reruns are needed for NBC’s schedule and the production schedule. This ensures there are episodes to run throughout May to bring us the usual finale dates to get the TV schedule back on track and make sure the episodes are ready to air. The second reason may be linked to ABC having the NFL draft on tonight. NBC may not want to compete with that.

Law & Order returns in a week

The good news is that there isn’t long to wait for the return of the series. Law & Order Thursdays are returning with new episodes on Thursday, May 2.

It’s hard to tell if there will be any more breaks in the schedule. With One Chicago Wednesday, we’re not expecting more breaks once the shows return on May 1. There are four episodes left in the season to span out across all of May.

With the Law & Order shows, there are only three episodes left. It’s likely that NBC will opt to run all three episodes back-to-back without a week off. This puts the Law & Order finales a week earlier than the One Chicago finales. Networks usually try to air their finales in the same week, but as we’re seeing with CBS, that’s not all that possible this year due to the way the production schedules have worked out.

Law & Order Thursdays return with new episodes on Thursday, May 2 on NBC.