NCIS: Hawaii Season 3 finale will air a little earlier than normal

The NCIS: Hawaii Season 3 finale date is set, and there's some good and bad news. It's earlier than normal, but it means a straight run of episodes.
NCIS: Hawai’i Keyart Photo: ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
NCIS: Hawai’i Keyart Photo: ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CBS has set finale dates for all its current shows. That includes NCIS: Hawaii Season 3.

The finale date is a little earlier than we’re use to. That probably isn’t too surprising considering the season will only have 10 episodes. It’s just disappointing due to the later start that we got.

CBS has set the date for Monday, May 6. It will run after the NCIS Season 21 finale at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

Why is the NCIS: Hawaii Season 3 finale earlier than usual?

The final date is a little earlier than we usually see. CBS tries to set the finale dates for the middle to late May. There are still some CBS shows wrapping up at the usual time, so why couldn’t NCIS: Hawaii?

This is linked to the number of episodes and the breaks that have already happened. SWAT, Blue Bloods, and a few other shows had some forced time off due to March Madness. Monday shows aren’t affected by that, which meant the weeks off were just breaks in the schedule for reruns to air.

CBS would want to keep that to a minimum. The best way to do that is to opt for an earlier than normal finale.

No more breaks in the NCIS: Hawaii schedule

The good news is that it means the Monday, April 8 break is the last one we’ll get. We’ll see Jane Tennant pop up in the 1000th episode of the NCISverse on April 15 and then a normal episode of NCIS: Hawaii air afterward. The following weeks will be new episodes.

The April 15 episode is Episode 7 of the season. That means four weeks of back-to-back episodes. We’re certainly not complaining about that.

Will NCIS: Hawaii Season 4 happen?

Now eyes are going to be on the future of the series. CBS has been quiet when it comes to a lot of shows, but we have a lot of hope for NCIS: Hawaii. The series is still a strong performer on Monday nights, and the franchise as a whole continues to grow.

We fully expect to see Season 4 to happen. On top of that, we expect to see the series return in fall 2024.