Snowpiercer Season 4 has come to an end, but will there be more to the story

What an end to a season of Snowpiercer! That's the end of Season 4, but what about more to the story? Could we see a Season 5?

 Snowpiercer season 4
Snowpiercer season 4

What a way to end Snowpiercer Season 4. It leaves us with closure, but naturally, we want more. The question is whether more will happen.

That's right; Snowpiercer Season 4 is now officially at an end. That's all 10 episodes of the season aired. We had a long wait for those episodes, but they certainly proved to be worth that wait. What about more?

Snowpiercer Season 5 is not going to happen

We have some bad news. Snowpiercer Season 4 is the last. You can tell that it was written that way, bringing closure to so many characters' storylines.

The series came to an end due to TNT ending scripted programming. After renewing Season 4, TNT announced that the season would be the last. That kick-started the wait, because TNT then decided it wouldn't air that final season, despite the final season being filmed and ready to go.

Then Max removed all three previous seasons of Snowpiercer. It made it impossible to watch the show, but those behind teh scenes kept working. The show got a new home on AMC.

AMC never promised to fully save Snowpiercer

While AMC gave the show's fourth season a place to air, there was never a promise to offer it a home to continue the story. Arguably, it didn't need that. The fourth season was written as the last. There's enough closure in there. Sure, it's not everything that we wanted, but it's closure.

Too many major characters (I'm salty about Ben) died in that last season. It would be hard to keep going without them around.

Of course, never say "never." If the series proved to be a success for AMC, maybe there could be a chat about whether there could be a fifth season. That would just require the cast coming back, and with contracts at an end, that could be difficult. It's best to let it end for now. Opt for a revival in a few years.