When dreams become reality in The Irrational season 2, episode 12 (Preview)

Have you ever had a vivid dream? That comes up in The Irrational season 2, episode 12.

THE IRRATIONAL -- "Scorched Earth" Episode 108 -- Pictured: Jesse L. Martin as Alec Mercer -- (Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/NBC)
THE IRRATIONAL -- "Scorched Earth" Episode 108 -- Pictured: Jesse L. Martin as Alec Mercer -- (Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/NBC)

We all have those dreams that feel like they’ve happened or that they could happen. What happens when they do happen? Alec steps in to help in The Irrational season 2, episode 12.

The subject of dreams comes up a lot in TV shows. We get to see different takes on dreams, and I’m sure The Irrational is going to look into the scientific element of dreams as well as rational and irrational thoughts and beliefs about them. I’m waiting for Alec to tell us about how a culture explains dreams.

After all, it’s going to be a big topic in the episode. You see, someone has a dream of an event that’s happened.

Murder by dreams in The Irrational season 2, episode 12?

Renee comes to Alec for help in the new episode. She has had dreams of a murder that’s already happened. Is this just a case of someone hearing about a case and then it sticking in the mind? I’ve had that happen before where I’ve read something in the news or just in a book and then it’s played out in my sleep.

However, there is something much bigger about this one. The murder victim was Renee’s heart transplant donor.

There are a lot of theories about transplants and how people pick up traits or have memories of the original owner of the donor. Of course, this is something else Alec is likely to bring up. Do the organs hold on to any sort of physical memory? How is that possible when it’s the brain that holds onto all of that?

Marisa gets a visit from someone from the past

There has been a lot of focus on Marisa recently. After opening up about how she gave up Bean for adoption, she asked Rose to find him. However, in the end, she realized that this wasn’t the right thing to do. She needed to allow him to find her.

Is this the face from the past? Marisa has placed herself on the adoption reunification websites. This gives her son a chance to reach out to her.

Of course, it could allow the adopted parents to reach out to her instead. What if they haven’t told their son about his adoption? They have that right to keep it a secret, and some adopted parents do that.

There could be something even more devastating behind it. What if Bean died as a child or needs some medical help now? This could lead to the adopted parents seeking out Marisa to give her an update or to ask for help.

Check out the synopsis for The Irrational season 2, episode 12:

"Renee seeks Alec's help after she has a dream containing details about a murder that actually happened; the case grows more intriguing when they realize the victim was Renee's heart transplant donor; Marisa is surprised by a visitor from her past."

The Irrational airs on Tuesdays at 10/9c on NBC. Catch up the following day on Peacock.

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