When Sir told Trent about the missing children Trent’s dad failed to find, Trent couldn’t get it out of his head. It was time to find The Lost Seven in Found season 2, episode 15.
Caution: This post contains SPOILERS from Found season 2, episode 15.
This episode is a great look at how the past is never forgotten. It’s also a reminder that things are not all that they seem on the surface. Just because people are undocumented migrants, doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth searching for. However, when cops have an idea in their heads, they aren’t always willing to look at other suspects.
On top of that, it’s a story of how policing has changed over the years. Trent has grown up believing that his dad was a good cop, but it turns out that he wasn’t. The current case is just the tip of the iceberg.
Trent cannot help but search for answers in Found season 2, episode 15
We start the episode with Trent out running, picturing Sir in the house as Sir shares all about the missing children. It turns out that he’s running with Heather, which I still can’t wrap my head around. Everyone is so quick to trust her, but how has she just ended up in someone’s life so quickly? Maybe I can’t picture it because I will always look into whoever I consider letting into my life, no matter how sweet they seem.
Back to Trent, though. He realizes that he can’t just let the missing kids go, but he can’t look into it through official channels. It would open a huge can of worms thanks to who his dad was. I’d also argue that the cops wouldn’t do anything. They haven’t done anything for 40 years, so why would they even care now? These kids were undocumented, with their parents bringing them over illegally. That is going to immediately lead to prejudice from people.
Gabi, on the other hand, cares. She can understand these kids, while also take steps to figure out where they could have been taken 40 years ago. She has a team that is dedicated to the same job that she is, and they have their own superpowers to find people. Look at Zeke, who is able to run a program to assess what the kids are likely to look like 40 years late and run facial recognition to get a hit.
The hit leads to Adam, who has changed his name to Adam Lawrence. He took the first name of his brother as his last name, became an immigration lawyer, and works hard to help others. He has never stopped looking for his brother, and because of him, we actually get what happened.

When people believe their parents and countries aren’t worthy of them
It turns out that all the children taken were gifted. Three of them went to the same school, and Adam was connected to Lawrence (and also went to the same school). The other three went to different schools, but were also gifted. It turned out that all of them except Adam went to the same after school program, so that is where the connection is.
Back in the day, a shop owner called Walter Dawkins was questioned by Trent Sr. This man claimed he had nothing to do with any of the kids going missing, but nobody would listen to or believe his story. When he was found with drugs and put away for years on that charge and the disappearances stopped, it looked like it was him. Only it wasn’t, and he was the key to help figure a few things out.
Trent was willing to listen to Dawkins, and Dawkins shared the exact same story as he did with Trent Sr. He liked Adam. Adam would come in and just be grateful for anything that he could be given; items that Dawkins couldn’t sell. One night, Adam came in asking for help. The man who took Lawrence came back for Adam, sharing that he could take Adam to where he took Lawrence. Dawkins switched out the coat Adam was wearing and then arranged to meet Adam at another location later. Only, Adam wasn’t there. And so, Adam was assumed taken by the same man.
That wasn’t the case, though. Thanks to facial recognition and software aging the children, Zeke was able to find Adam as the immigration lawyer. That led to Adam sharing that everything Dawkins had said was true. He believed that Dawkins saved his life back then, and he prayed over Dawkin’s life forever after that. We do get an absolutely emotional reunion between the two at the end, and this is what Dawkins needed. More on that in a bit, though.
Adam shares a description of the man who talked to him. Jamie is a skilled artist, so he draws out the picture that Adam describes. Sure enough, Margaret has seen that face in the old VHS tape that was in Haben’s items that helped to link all the kids. It was the owner of the center, who just happened to be married to the journalist who wrote the original article about Lawrence’s disappearance.
Oh that sweet old lady wasn’t sweet at all. She and her husband believed that the kids were too gifted to go back to their own countries when their parents were being deported. So, they took the kids and literally sold them to other parents. The kids were constantly told that their parents didn’t want them, so they weren’t going to speak out when their faces made the news. But as undocumented minors, why would they say anything? We’re reminded of how easy it is to brainwash people, especially young people, and how important it is to enter something like this with empathy.

Trent wins, but is it really a win over Sir in Found?
In the end, the missing children are all found. All seven of them are reunited with family. Some of them are reunited with their biological parents, while Adam and Lawrence are reunited together as their mother had already passed. And yes, Adam is reunited with Dawkins.
It’s clear that there is more to Trent Sr., though. Trent goes to see Sir to gloat about the win and the fact that the Trent legacy still stands, but Sir is one step ahead. He says the drug planting is just the tip of the iceberg. Did Trent Sr. plant the drugs on Dawkins? That’s certainly the way it seems, but it looks like Trent Sr. was up to more bad stuff as a cop. And honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me. There are far too many bad cops still out there today. What was it like in the ‘80s?
My biggest question is why Heather would even want to take on Sir’s case when we find out that her law firm has offered to defend him. Suddenly, Sir’s brother’s victim is defending him? That’s going to get sympathy from the jury, but Heather has jumped at this chance. She’s the accomplice, right? She has to be!
Sir didn’t seem to recognize her, but that doesn’t really surprise me. I don’t think Sir knew who was texting him, to be honest. He knew it wasn’t Christian, though.
Can I throw in here that I love the attention to detail in this show. Sir's beard is starting to show some grey, since he can't dye it while in prison. It's something so small, but it shows the time that is passing, and it helps to keep the series grounded.
Who took Jamie in Found?
So, I guess we’re believing that Jamie is Jamie, and it turns out that he’s going back to the place of the people that took him. Is this Stockholm Syndrome in effect? It’s possible, but it’s also possible that Jamie is feeling the same way the undocumented kids felt. What if whoever took him told him that his parents didn’t want him?
Margaret makes it clear that she needs to know who took Jamie, but he still won’t say. All he says is “she.” So it’s just one person? There are probably a few suspects on Margaret’s mind. Could it have been the babysitter?

Zeke and Lacey finally kiss!
Oh no, I did not forget about the exciting moment in Found season 2, episode 15. It's the moment so many of us have been waiting for!
At the start of the episode, Lacey shared that it was probably time to move out of Zeke's place. He needs to get on with his own life, and her mom has found her a new, safe place. She can leave, and she sets up a plan to go by the end of the episode.
Well, Zeke doesn't want Lacey to go. He tells Dhan that things feel brighter and more open when Lacey is around, so Dhan tells Zeke to keep hold of Lacey. That's how Ethan makes Dhan feel, and he is doing what he can to keep his husband around. Zeke needs to do the same thing. And that's just what Zeke does. As Lacey leaves, Zeke reaches over the threshold, pulls her back, and kisses her.
Where will the two go from here? I don't know, but I'm loving that they've taken this step. And it was so believable for Zeke as well. He didn't realize what he had until he was about to lose it. These two are so cute together, and I hope great things for them.
Found airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on NBC. Catch up the following day on Peacock.
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