Sir is offered a plea deal, while Jamie figures out who he can trust in Found season 2, episode 16. Here’s everything that happened in the new episode.
Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Found season 2, episode 16.
The start of the episode is focused on the overarching storylines this season, but there is a case for the team to deal with. It involves a missing EMT, but there are a few things that make it far trickier than normal from the beginning.

Finding someone nobody has reported missing in Found season 2, episode 16
The case opens with a woman called Wendy coming to the M&A Team to report a missing person. She was driving along a road, when saw a car pull over and kidnap a runner from the road. Believing that others had called the cops, she didn’t bother, but she did want to share it with someone. With no name and no other details, it’s hard for the team to even start.
Gabi and Margaret note that Wendy believes what she saw. Because of that, they’re going to take the case. If they don’t take it and someone was taken, then it could mean a life lost. At least right now, it’s just time being wasted if it turns out to be wrong. Well, it turns out that someone was taken. Where the overpass is, Margaret spots something in the grass. There’s a watch with blood on it.
There’s only one way to get people to talk. Gabi does a social media press conference life from the spot they found the watch. This leads to people finally coming forward about what they saw. We get that reminder that we don’t tend to take note of what’s going on, and there are always excuses for people not to stop. “I thought it was a college prank” and “I couldn’t be late for work again.”
Jamie, who is in on the case so that Gabi can build trust with him, notes how this could have all been avoided. All it took was one person stopping, and it’s clear that he is also talking about his own situation. And yet, in real life, how many of us would stop or say something? It’s what I love about the series What Would You Do? to show what people would really do and not what they think they would do.
With the watch, Trent is able to pull fingerprints. They belong to an EMT, and now there’s finally a name. This can help get to the bottom of who could have wanted him gone.
One of the interesting elements is that he has a disciplinary against him. It was filed that morning, and that’s the key to figuring out the case. The disciplinary should have actually been against his EMT partner, but she threw him under the bus as the one to administer the wrong medication. As it all came out that it was his partner, she got her boyfriend to kidnap him.
EMT Peter did manage to escape his kidnappers, but he was out in the open under the influence of propofol. What’s more intriguing is that someone gets Peter to Gabi’s basement. We’re so focused on Heather being the one working with Gabi, that I now can’t help but wonder if it’s something to do with Jamie. Whoever took Peter to Gabi did it without Peter knowing. It’s all a blur, so we’ll have to wait a little longer to find out who the “accomplice” is.
Jamie got a chance to work with the M&A Team in Found
Jamie initially turned to Trent to share some things, but he didn’t want Trent to say anything to anyone. What Jamie really needs is a lawyer, who would be bound by privilege. That means Jamie doesn’t want to talk.
Let’s assume that Jamie really is Jamie, right now. He is clearly suffering from something like Stockholm Syndrome. This is just a boy who knows what happened to him was wrong, but that’s how he grew up. He views who took him as someone to protect, the person who raised him. The last couple of cases have reminded us about lies being told and how people turn their backs when something is happening. It all seems to connect to what could have happened to Jamie. There’s a line in the episode from Jamie about “real moms don’t need breaks,” which is clearly something that he was told by the woman who took him.
Gabi realizes that Jamie needs to find someone to trust. Margaret is too emotionally connected, and Trent is bound by the law to share the things Jamie says to him. She makes a note that she doesn’t have either of those issues, and she brings Jamie in on the case to build trust. She even tells Dhan that trust breeds trust, so this is the way to get Jamie to open up.
We get a chance to see that Jamie wants to use his trauma to help people. I’m starting to lean on the idea that Jamie really is Jamie, and that he’s just torn due to the way he was brought up. There’s also something else that comes up later on in the episode.
Jamie decides to go see Sir, who notes that he can see it. This is Jamie.
However, Dhan is right; he needs to follow Jamie to find out who took him. He needs to get answers because this no longer just affects Margaret. The entire team is at risk.

Sir refuses to take the plea deal in Found season 2, episode 16
Heather is officially representing Sir, and she and her firm have managed to work out a plea deal. However, Sir refuses to take it. Heather isn’t happy about this at all and even threatens to have all his privileges in prison taken away.
One thing this whole storyline does is make Trent step back from his relationship with Heather. He can’t date someone who would work to allow a criminal like Sir get released. He also can’t work with someone like Sir. I am intrigued by how Heather knows that Sir called Trent with information about Peter. Sir wouldn’t have told Heather something like this, so who told Heather?
Heather is way too invested in the relationship with Trent too quickly. Trent and Gabi have worked together for years, and he even wanted to arrest Gabi when he found out what she was doing. Heather is far too obsessed with how Trent would work with Gabi and not her at the end of this episode. Is Heather defending Sir because she’s a lot like him? Does she see herself in him?
It is fun seeing Sir start to lose it. He needs to be needed, so the more that people tell him that he’s not needed, the more he starts to spiral. This makes him a dangerous man, but it also makes him an interesting character.
What’s going on between Lacey and Zeke?
At the end of the previous episode, Lacey and Zeke finally kissed. We had hope that would mean the two would be together in the new episode, but that’s not the case. Instead, we get a far more realistic storyline for the two of them. They are tip-toeing around each other, especially Lacey tip-toeing around Zeke.
Margaret realizes that something is going on between the two of them, and it gives Lacey a chance to open up about her feelings. She doesn’t want to lose her best friend, and I love that we’re at this point. It’s one of the most realistic feelings when things like this happen. Now Lacey needs to tell Zeke this!
Found airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on NBC. Catch up the following day on Peacock.
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