When there’s a nanny found murdered in a park, Morgan and Karadec are on the case in High Potential season 1, episode 10. Morgan also gets a lesson in overstepping as a mom.
Caution: This post contains SPOILERS from High Potential season 1, episode 10
The new episode brought a case that involved a couple of twists and turns. As the pieces of the puzzle were brought together, it was easy to figure out what had happened and why, but that didn’t stop the various other theories.
It ended up not being the stalker. In fact, the stalker situation wasn’t what it seemed in the first place! However, that boy was definitely thinking with his heart and not with his head.
Was the nanny having an affair in High Potential season 1, episode 10?
Morgan and Karadec went through a list of suspects that all turned up to be not the murderer. There was the stalker, who turned out to be an ex-boyfriend (or maybe current). He was in love with Tara, and he wanted to protect her. He was a little too in love with her, though. He kept saying that she wouldn’t have an affair with a married man, but I did have to wonder how much he really knew about her.
Then there was Carina, a wife and mother. She seemed too obvious to be the murderer considering her connection via the Facebook group. I did love the vibing with Morgan, though, so I hope we get to see her again in High Potential season 2. Yes, that’s happening!
In the end, it came down to the nannies. There were a lot of clues on the way to figuring out that one of the nannies was involved. The fact that Tara had called an immigration lawyer said a lot. The series did get a little messy with the discussion of churches and crossing history, but I do love how it showed us just how much information Morgan keeps in her head. She doesn’t always think about it, but when it starts to become important, she brings it up.
Morgan hasn’t really talked down to people who don’t know something. She isn’t egotistical in what she remembers. It’s just the way her brain works, and sometimes, it is a curse rather than a blessing. In this case, it helped to link one of the nannies to the murder. The other nannies started to turn on them—thanks to a lie about nanny cams—and one nanny ended up admitting to murder.
She would rather be in an American prison rather than in Russia. I get that, but at the same time, there was absolutely no need to commit murder.
How did Tara’s body end up in the slide, though? Well, Tara was hit over the head but was able to run away. Tara hid in the slide, and she ended up dying of the head wound in there. So, the Russian nanny didn’t hide the body. It ended up being unfortunately circumstances that lead to Tara being there.

More Ken Marino, please!
I would love to see more of Eliza Coupe’s Carina, but I would also love to see Ken Marino back. And I’m sure we will.
It turned out that he was a private detective, and we all know that the police will sometimes hire private detectives to help with a case. Soto has hired him, but at the end, she decides that she doesn’t need his help anymore.
Marino is great for adding some comedic relief to an episode. High Potential included him in just the right amount for this episode, and it’s clear that this won’t be the last time Soto turns to him for some help.

Morgan oversteps as a mom in High Potential
As moms, we want the best for our children. We don’t want them to end up left out when it comes to friendship groups, and we want to see them happy and healthy. Morgan ends up overstepping to aid with that in High Potential.
When she finds out that Elliot is the only kid in the class not invited to a birthday party, Morgan decides to call the mom of the other kid and find out why. That leads to a forced playdate, that ends up going badly. The kid is rude and self-centered, and clearly not the type of boy any mom would want their child to be friends with. At least, not any good mom. That’s the type of boy who needs to learn manners.
Morgan ends up kicking the boy out of the house, and it’s a great lesson for both her and Elliot. Not everyone is worthy of friendship, especially the friendship of a sweet and kind boy like Elliot.
Morgan also gets a bit of a lesson at the end. She’s able to give the dad who hired the nanny some peace and happiness. There are photos of Tara and his son, showing just how much the boy was loved. It’s something else that we want for our kids. While we can’t be around them all the time, we hope that those who care for them love them as well. Tara certainly did. She clearly loved her job as a nanny, and that offers some solace for the dad.
There’s a lesson in there for Morgan, as well. She can’t always be around Elliot, but he is surrounded by people who love him. Even Ava does in her own way. While she’s 15 and a little selfish at times—what teenage girl isn’t?—she still loves her siblings. She will still be there for Elliot, and when Elliot needed her, she was there for him. She slipped her phone back in her pocket and spun him around on the roundabout.
Morgan has raised some good kids. Ava has an attitude at times, but again, it’s a teenage thing. She’s still a good girl and kind-hearted. Despite the hand that Morgan has been dealt in life, she should be proud of herself.
I’m glad the show put the Roman story on the backburner for the episode. Seeing Morgan as a mom and seeing her with Ava and Elliot more was what we needed to get that reminder of everything that she is balancing.
High Potential airs on Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC. Catch up the following day on Hulu.
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