Dr. Nima Rousseau has to be Alex's dad in Snowpiercer

Melanie immediately recognized Dr. Nima Rousseau when he boarded Snowpiercer in the Season 4 premiere. He has to be Alex's dad, right?
1227151 - Snowpiercer 404: Daveed Diggs, Michael Aronov
1227151 - Snowpiercer 404: Daveed Diggs, Michael Aronov

We know that TV shows never introduce characters without some sort of bigger reason. Dr. Nima Rousseau was introduced to give Snowpiercer it’s storyline in Season 4, but there has to be another reason.

Nima isn’t just any chemist. He’s a man who Melanie knows from the past. It’s clear that they were friends at some point, and probably more than friends. After all, it would seem that Nima may be related to Alex Cavill.

We know nothing about Alex’s dad in Snowpiercer

Up to this point, the series has told us nothing about Alex’s dad. She has to have one; it’s not like Melanie is the Virgin Mary. The question has always been who.

For the longest time, we all likely believed that he died. Maybe we believed he died before the Big Freeze considering Alex was supposed to be getting to the train with Melanie’s parents. Nothing was even mentioned about her dad.

However, Nima explained that he was taken by soldiers and brought to the underground bunker to help get humanity back. Is it possible that he was taken just before the Big Freeze and that’s why Melanie had no choice but to leave her daughter with her parents, believing that they and Alex would get to Snowpiercer?

Nima and Alex have a chance of meeting in Snowpiercer Season 4

Alex decided to head out on Big Alice to Snowpiercer. This isn’t to get Liana back. Alex has her own reasons to go out. She is a scientist at heart, and she wants the data that she can only get by going out on the train.

It’s clear that for the story this is likely something bigger. This puts Alex and Nima within meeting distance of each other. Aren’t we sure to see Alex end up on Snowpiercer or Nima end up on Big Alice at some point, allowing the two to meet? This could give Alex a chance to meet her father, and it could give Nima more of a reason to fight against Admiral Milius.

There are some parallels in Nima’s relationship with Milius and Alex’s relationship with Wilford. They both seem to feel like their lives are owed to the people higher up in the chain of command, but they don’t have the same murderous spirit. Putting them both together could help Nima finally take over and ensure his mission to make Earth liveable again happens rather than whatever plan Milius has.