There are only two ways to stop Nima in the Snowpiercer series finale

Nima is ready to release his rockets into the atmosphere, but it means the end of the world. How can Melanie, Alex, Layton and others stop him in the Snowpiercer series finale?
Snowpiercer Season 4 -- Courtesy of AMC
Snowpiercer Season 4 -- Courtesy of AMC

The Snowpiercer series finale has a lot to wrap up, with the biggest storyline being to stop Nima. He wants to save the world, but that’s not what his chemicals will do.

The end of the previous episode saw the series come full circle. The Tailies are back on the train, and they’re back at the Tail of the train. They’ve becomes stowaways again, but this time, they’re stowaways to save others and not to save themselves.

Layton and others will need to fight their way to the front of the train. The problem is there are arguably only two ways that the show could end to stop Nima.

Melanie and Alex need to break the rockets in some way in the Snowpiercer series finale

One way to save the Earth is to make sure that the rockets can’t go up. This would mean damaging the rockets in some way, but Melanie and Alex will need to do that without letting the gas out. If Gemini is released, there’s a chance that the damage will start. Sure, it won’t be on the same level as if all the rockets were released into the atmosphere, but there will still be some damage.

This is likely what Melanie and Alex want to do. If they wanted to kill Nima, they would have done it already.

Someone will need to kill Nima in the Snowpiercer series finale

The alternative is to kill Nima. While Melanie and Alex won’t want to do it, Layton and others have proven themselves to be killers. To be honest, so has Melanie, but Nima is someone from her past and the father of her child. Layton doesn’t have that connection, and there’s already some bad blood considering how Nima was part of the reason Liana was taken.

This is likely the only way to stop Nima forever. He doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with his chemical, believing that the people of New Eden are just selfish in not wanting to share the world with anyone else.

Even if the rockets are destroyed, it doesn’t mean that Nima will stop. He won’t take the steps to work on the chemical more, believing that the best window to get Gemini out there has passed by that point. It could mean he does more damage to the Earth in revenge, and would anyone want to risk that? Arguably, the only way to deal with Nima is to kill him.