Layton goes back to being a detective in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 3

Detective Layton is on the case in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 3. What does he notice when looking for evidence?
Snowpiercer - Courtesy AMC Networks
Snowpiercer - Courtesy AMC Networks

The whole reason Melanie and Layton crossed paths was because Melanie needed a detective in the Snowpiercer series premiere. The only detective on the train was Layton, and he was brought from the Tail of the train to help solve the case.

It’s time for him to put his detective skills back to the test in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 3. He doesn’t just have to find his daughter. He needs to find Dr. Headwood and bring her to justice.

We will head back to New Eden in the new episode of the series. And the sneak peek for the episode gives us a look at Detective Layton on the case.

Layton knows how to deal with Headwood in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 3

Up to this point, Layton has focused on getting Liana back. To be able to do that, he needs to find Headwood. So, he needs to put his focus into the case as he would have as a detective. He and Josie look around Dr. Headwood’s working quarters.

It’s clear that she didn’t have time to pack too much, but she did take the essentials. She took her late husband’s shoes and a few of her supplies, which Layton finds curious. It means that Headwood had been planning this for some time.

What does that mean? The Animal Squad had been watching Layton and the rest of New Eden for some time.

Take a look at the sneak peek:

To be honest, we know that the Animal Squad has been watching New Eden for some time. Melanie’s saw New Eden flourishing on the screen, with who seems to be Alex’s father showing her that this was because of him and his experiments. It brought hope for everyone that there was a way to live on Earth again.

While the scientists want to get the Earth back to normal, Milius and his Animal Squad seem to have an ulterior motive. Ben, Till, and Audrey were getting Till ready to head to New Eden to warn Layton and the others. It was too late, though. Zarah was killed and Dr. Headwood took the baby with one member of the Animal Squad.

What does Headwood want? That’s not clear, but Layton reminds us that Headwood has always been fascinated by Liana ever since Zarah was pregnant. Headwood was doing some sort of experiment while Liana was in the womb, and this could mean that she has some sort of special ability in the way that Josie does being able to survive the cold more than others.

We also know that the Animal Squad has a black gas which seems to be poisonous. Will Headwood want to learn more about this? Will she want to see how the gas affects the baby? I wouldn’t put anything past Headwood.

What good is Layton’s detective work, though? Well, he knows how to deal with Dr. Headwood when he does find her. It’s worse when it’s been planned for some time.