What happened to Miss Audrey in Snowpiercer, and will she survive?

Miss Audrey was sent to New Eden in the Snowpiercer Season 4 premiere. What happened to her, and will she survive?
Snowpiercer 204 Unit 702700 12/18/19 ph: David Bukach SP_ep203and4_12182019_0229
Snowpiercer 204 Unit 702700 12/18/19 ph: David Bukach SP_ep203and4_12182019_0229

Things are not looking good for the people of the train in Snowpiercer Season 4. The premiere episode makes it clear that the train has been hijacked, and not everyone is likely to survive.

Layton and co. learn that Snowpiercer is facing trouble due to Miss Audrey turning up. She was in the supply cart that we last saw Mr. Wilford being sent off in. Is this a hint that Mr. Wilford is behind Milius’s people storming the train?

Does Mr. Wilford want to teach Miss Audrey a lesson in Snowpiercer?

It would make sense for Wilford to be behind it and to have Audrey sent out to the people of New Eden. Miss Audrey was constantly by his side until she wasn’t. She betrayed him at the very end of Season 3 as she realized that she was on the wrong side of the war.

Wilford doesn’t like it when people betray him. He plays the long game, and he’s sure to go after Miss Audrey for revenge. It makes sense for him to put her in the supply cart and send her toward New Eden as a hint of the threat that is to come.

I doubt Wilford would want her dead right away. He'll want her to suffer.

What happened to Miss Audrey in Snowpiercer?

So far, all we know is what Layton and everyone at New Eden knows. Audrey has come to New Eden in the supply cart. She is covered with something on her face. Are those scars, or are they do to with being frozen? It was hard to see it all when Layton took Audrey out of the train.

I’d go with her skin has been frozen and then healed in some way. It looks similar to the marks that Josie had on her face after initially being frozen and thought of as dead. It also looks like to Boki who has experienced similar issues.

We know from the promo that Milius traps people in a cart on the train and shoots a hole in the ceiling. This allows the cold air to get in. It doesn’t kill everyone immediately, but it will kill them eventually. They’re sure to suffer from some freezer burn marks assuming they get out of it alive. We also know that Miss Aubrey is at the back of the train when Till and Ben come back on board, so there’s a good chance that she gets trapped in that section of the train.

Hopefully, we’ll get some answers in the second episode. After all, it looks to be focused on the train and not New Eden.