Who will save Layton and Josie in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 8? (Preview)

Layton, Josie, and Liana were literally left out in the cold, but someone is coming to their rescue in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 8. At least, that's what we hope!
Snowpiercer Season 4 -- Courtesy of AMC
Snowpiercer Season 4 -- Courtesy of AMC

Things are not looking good for Layton, Josie, and Liana in Snowpiercer’s final season. However, there is some potential hope coming to them in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 8.

The previous episode ended with them out in the cold. Wilford revealed that Nima was the man who destroyed the Earth before uncoupling the cars, leaving Layton, Josie, and Liana on the frozen tracks as Snowpiercer headed for New Eden.

We were left wondering how there was any hope for the three of them, especially Layton who hasn’t had any of the cold therapy done to him. It looks like someone is looking out for them, though.

A masked soldier appears in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 8

The synopsis tells us that while the three are trapped in the middle of nowhere, a masked soldier appears. This could mean one of two things.

It could be that Wilford had set up some sort of trap. Knowing that Josie and Liana would be able to deal with some of the cold, he may have radioed back to the silo to make sure someone comes out to dispose of all three bodies. That is unlikely, though. While Wilford plans ahead, it’s usually for his own gain, and that probably isn’t enough to his own gain.

The second thing is that Layton and Josie could end up going to get help. There is sure to be a radio in the cart, which could mean that Layton could send out a distress call. If one of the members of the Animal Squad hears it from the silo, they could go back out to help. Or, there could be someone else out there with one of the radios that belonged to the Animal Squad. We still have no idea where Roach is.

Josie could end up going back to the silo for help. Layton could even said Josie and Liana back to the silo since both of them can withstand some of the cold out there.

While all that happens, Alex is the one in trouble. That’s not surprising with the way the previous episode ended. Nima now has control of the Animal Squad and he’s gassed Melanie. We have no idea what happened to Alex when Melanie sent her to the engine to drive the train. Could Alex figure things out and play some sort of long game? That’s plausible.

Take a look at the synopsis for Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 8:

"Big Alice pulls into New Eden; Layton, Josie, and Liana sit stranded in the middle of nowhere, freezing to death, when a masked soldier appears; Alex finds herself in danger."

Snowpiercer Season 4 airs Sundays at 9/8c on AMC.