Snowpiercer Season 4 premiere brings us a shocking death in New Eden

Snowpiercer is back, and it's time to see how the people on the train and those in New Eden are doing. Most of the Snowpiercer Season 4 premiere is spent in New Eden, ending with a shocking death that changes everything.
Snowpiercer - Courtesy AMC Networks
Snowpiercer - Courtesy AMC Networks

The Snowpiercer Season 4 premiere has aired. What a wild ride it was, and it was certainly worth the wait.

Caution: We’re delving into spoilers for the Snowpiercer Season 4 premiere in this post.

The episode initially picked up soon after the missile went off at the end of Season 3. Melanie sent Till and Ben out to check it out, only for them to find out it was some sort of trap. There are other survivors, and those survivors threaten everyone on Snowpiercer and in New Eden.

Most of the episode was spent nine months later in New Eden. We see how Layton and his followers are doing, finding out that he has stepped down as the leader. The people have chosen Ruth to lead the way, and I have to say that is a great choice. She has always been level-headed and fair. Well, once we got past the initial blinded loyalty to Wilford in the first season.

A threat to New Eden in Snowpiercer Season 4

It turns out that the people have voted to get in touch with Snowpiercer. It’s been a year, which means that the train will be coming back round and in line with the transmissions. New Eden wants to let the people on the train know that New Eden is viable.

However, there are issues that make this difficult. Someone is sabotaging the relays to make transmission impossible. The bridge is harder to build back up than expected, and it’s clear that there may not be enough space for everyone.

To make matters worse, there’s a threat out there. Oz has been living in the mountains away from everyone, and when Zarah goes to see him, he tells her that he hears LJ. She says that everyone on Snowpiercer is dead.

That’s not quite true, as Audrey suddenly turns up in one of those supply trains that Melanie survived in for months. Something has happened to her skin, and she isn’t conscious to share what’s happened yet, but it’s clear that something has happened on Snowpiercer. Layton and co. will need to find out what, but there’s something more important to Layton.

Dr. Headwood proves she can’t be trusted

If you thought taking Dr. Hedwood to New Eden was a bad idea, you are not alone. She proved that it was a bad idea, as well.

Roche is looking after baby Liana while Zarah heads up the mountain to see Oz. Dr. Headwood walks in, and she’s not alone. A strange figure hits Roche over the head and knocks him out.

As Headwood and the stranger head up the mountain with Liana, they run into Zarah. A fight breaks out at the end of a cliff. You don’t need to see what Boki and Jodie find to understand what happened in that fight. Zarah is thrown off the cliff. Fortunately, she’s still alive long enough to tell Jodie that Dr. Headwood and a stranger took Liana.

That’s all Layton needs to know to want to go after Headwood. As the people of New Eden give Zarah the Tailie funeral she deserves, Layton makes it clear to Jodie that he will kill everyone involved in taking Liana. Whatever it takes.

Who are the people in white?

It turned out that the stranger with Headwood was part of the same group of people who Ben and Till ran into at the start of the episode. We head back nine months earlier to the train, with the people forcing Ben and Till through the carriages.

The leader, who happens to be Clark Gregg from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., tells everyone there that they are an international peacekeeping force. That’s a bit ironic considering they lured the people of Snowpiercer into a trap and are now taking everyone hostage. Who is this group, really?

What a way to start the final season of Snowpiercer!

Snowpiercer Season 4 airs on Sundays at 9/8c on AMC and AMC+.