Why would Jill use the white paper in Criminal Minds: Evolution?

Jill Gideon admitted that she was the one to "leak" the white paper in Criminal Minds: Evolution. Why would she do that when Gideon and Rossi didn't want that to happen?
L-R: Felicity Huffman as Dr. Jill Gideon and Paget Brewster as Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds: Evolution, episode 7, season 17 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo Credit: Michael Yarish /Paramount+
L-R: Felicity Huffman as Dr. Jill Gideon and Paget Brewster as Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds: Evolution, episode 7, season 17 streaming on Paramount+, 2024. Photo Credit: Michael Yarish /Paramount+

It did not take long to find out who leaked the white paper in Criminal Minds: Evolution. Dr. Jill Gideon was upfront. She was the one to do it.

Of course, there was initial shock. Why would she leak a paper that was a “how to” on creating serial killers. That wasn’t her intention, though. While she understood Gideon and Rossi’s views, she had her own.

Stuart House was just the first part of her plan. It wasn’t the only one, hinting that there could be more Gold Star programs out there.

Jill wanted to do good with the white paper in Criminal Minds: Evolution

The leaking of the paper wasn’t a way to create serial killers. Jill thought she could do some good with it. She worked with others to create places that would prevent children from turning into serial killers.

If the white paper was a guide on how to create serial killers, surely it could be reverse engineered. Surely, with the right people involved, they could help to stop children from giving into their psychopathic nature. They could create a safe and positive environment.

Jill didn’t have much involvement in Stuart House. She looked over the candidates for final approval. Everyone was anonymized, so Jill couldn’t look into them and find out more. However, it was easy to tell who Jade and Damien were now that they knew more about the two of them.

Stuart House turned into a place that created serial killers. One person took over and brainwashed Damien into thinking that he was saving people with his actions. Jill was able to get through to him by sharing that truth and asking him to save the inner child in him. Sadly, it didn’t work out exactly the way she wanted as Damien motioned to Jade to kill him so he wouldn’t be taken into custody.

Jill tried to do good. She tried to use the paper for good. The people running Stuart House just ended up proving Gideon and Rossi right.