Why would Milius want Wilford dead in Snowpiercer?

Despite saving Wilford between the seasons of Snowpiercer, Milius seems to have had a change of heart. Now he wants Wilford dead, but why?
Snowpiercer Season 4 -- Courtesy of AMC
Snowpiercer Season 4 -- Courtesy of AMC

There is certainly a lot going on in the final season of Snowpiercer. There are also a lot of questions, and right now, we have another one about Milius.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 6

Up to this point in the story, Milius has clearly had his own plan. He wanted Big Alice, and he set up a trap that would bring Layton and Big Alice to him. We all knew that someone else had to be behind all that, and it turns out that we were right. Wilford is back and he’s the one who wants Big Alice.

We learned in Snowpiercer Season 4, Episode 5 that Milius found Wilford on the tracks and saved him. Now the two seem to be working together, but it looks like Milius regrets that decision. He ordered Wolf to kill Wilford in the basement.

Wolf didn’t go through with it. That suggests that Wilford will be a much bigger threat to Milius than Milius intended. The big question, though, is why Milius wants Wilford dead.

Wilford has the power to sway Milius’s men in Snowpiercer

Let’s first look at the two of leader Milius is. He’s a tyrant. Like Wilford, he’s a narcissist and everyone has to follow the beat of his drum. It’s clear that he allows his men to be used as lab rats, and that means they won’t all follow him.

During the recent episode, we saw how Milius was unhappy that Wilford was telling a fun story to Milius’s men. He tortured a soldier because Wilford was smoking, and that was clearly a way to show to Wilford that he was in charge. It unsettled everyone.

Milius could see that Wilford has the charm that he doesn’t. Wilford will be able to sway Milius’s men to his side, which is something Milius won’t want if there was ever a fight. He needs Wilford gone.

Wilford is going to be stuck in the silo for a while in Snowpiercer

Milius also sees that there’s a problem with the current situation. When he initially saved Wilford, the plan was to get Big Alice. Milius probably thought that Wilford would take Big Alice and leave. That probably wasn’t the intended plan, but it doesn’t really matter if it was at this point or not. Big Alice is gone.

Now, Milius will see that he’s stuck with Wilford for a while. Instead of dealing with him, Milius likely just wants to kill him. We’ve seen that he didn’t have a use for Layton so put him in the basement. Layton just doesn’t seem to have the same threat as Wilford—nor is Layton as insufferable as the man—which is why Layton is likely allowed to live.

With Wolf not going through with orders, he’s sure to end up tortured or punished in some way. The question is how. Will he end up in the basement as well?

Snowpiercer airs Sundays at 9/8c on AMC.