When Gabi went to visit Sir in prison for a second time, she dropped some bad news. Christian Evans is dead in Found season 2. Is that really the case, though?
Do we ever believe a death has happened just because we’re told? The rule in TV is that a death hasn’t really happened unless we see it. We have to see a body! There are a few exceptions to that, such as Coach Baker’s death in All American and George O’Malley’s death in Grey’s Anatomy, but the majority of the time, someone isn’t dead until we see it.
Christian wouldn’t just kill himself in Found
Gabi told Sir that Christian had taken his own life. This doesn’t seem like something the Christian we know would do. There would be no gain for Christian to take his own life.
For one, Gabi doesn’t believe that Christian is the one working with Sir. While Trent does, Christian wouldn’t know the extent that the person who was working with Sir (or hindering Sir) would go to make Christian look guilty.
Gabi was able to get one over Sir by telling him that Christian is dead and took his own life. She is able to get some strength to walk away from him and allow him to think that she is done. It puts a little bit of control back in her pocket, something that she hasn’t had for decades.
Sir certainly bought it. He panicked at the end as Gabi walked away.

Sir hurt Christian the last we saw him in Found
The last we saw of Christian, he had tried to get out of the RV. However, Sir didn’t want Christian to leave, and he hit Christian over the head. We have no idea what happened after that.
Christian has been missing since then. While we know that someone has been leaving clues that Christian is involved with Sir, we know that that isn’t really the case. Gabi knows as well.
Despite Sir’s psychopathic behavior, there are times that he shows he cares. I don’t think he would have kept Christian alive for as long as he did if he didn’t actually care about his brother. He could have easily made it look like Christian was involved but kill him and hide the body well. This would suggest that he doesn’t believe Christian is really dead, probably because he knows who is really hindering him.
Everyone needs Sir to believe that Christian is dead. They need whoever is really working with Sir believe Christian is dead. The best way to do that is for Gabi to tell Sir.
Found airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on NBC.
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