Bulletproof Season 2 finale: Does the Unit get the Markides family?

Bulletproof -- "Episode 2" -- Image Number: BLP202_0004.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Noel Clarke as Aaron Bishop and Ashley Walters as Ronnie Pike -- Photo: © Sky UK Limited
Bulletproof -- "Episode 2" -- Image Number: BLP202_0004.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Noel Clarke as Aaron Bishop and Ashley Walters as Ronnie Pike -- Photo: © Sky UK Limited

Did the Bulletproof Season 2 finale end with the Markides family behind bars?

The Bulletproof Season 2 finale took us on one wild, international ride. We knew it could never end in happiness for the Markides family, but were they all put behind bars or was the ending more permanent?

At the same time, we had the big question about Pike. Would he choose his wife or would he give up his family for Scooch?

A failed mission

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It didn’t take long for Bishop and Pike to set up a mission to storm the place Alex and Mikey were hiding out. However, things went sideways when Cockridge (who chose not to tell anyone about the money Tanner stole) called it off. He took men in, but the Markides fought back. Alex and Mikey were able to escape.

However, while the mission was a failure, it wasn’t all over. Mikey had been shot and Alex decided to leave him behind. With a call to Eleanor, the Unit was able to find Mikey, but he was killed by the police when Mikey shot Bishop (in the arm).

Eleanor got to Mikey just as he was killed. After blaming the police for his death (I always love how criminals blame those taking them down for destroying their families when they do it to themselves), she killed herself.

Getting Alex Markides

Bishop needed to find out where Alex was, so he turned to one person who could help, Alex’s daughter. Of course, Anna was angry. She was mourning the loss of her family. After all, they may be a criminal organization but she loves them all.

When Anna learns that her father left Mikey behind, she realized that this was a man only out for himself. She decided to help Bishop and the team.

Of course, Alex was trying to escape by the time Bishop and Pike got to him. With money to burn and loyal people working for him, he had means. And he chose to use a helicopter.

Bishop and Pike managed to capture Alex, but he taunts them that they can’t kill him; that they’re cowards. Bishop wants to kill him, but he remembers that Alex said a lifetime behind bars was worse. Bishop delivers that worst nightmare.

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Who would Pike choose on the Bulletproof finale?

Of course, the Bulletproof Season 2 finale had a major question when it came to Pike. Would he pick his family or Scooch?

I admit that I lost a lot of respect for Scooch in this episode. She felt no guilt about the idea of ripping apart a marriage, about getting Pike to pick her despite children waiting back home for him. The term “homewrecker” comes to mind.

In the end, Pike chose his wife. There was no way he wouldn’t, right? Thank you, Bulletproof, for having Pike make the right decision.

As for Bishop, he headed home where he got a visit from Anna Markides. Does this mean the two are going to be together?

We don’t really get an answer. Instead, we end with Bishop and Pike heading off on a new case stronger than ever before (and with Bishop still commenting on Pike’s driving). Now we need a third season.

What did you think of the Bulletproof Season 2 finale? Share your thoughts in the comments below.