Eddie Diaz is looking inward in 911 season 8

Eddie Diaz went through a lot at the end of the previous season and will be focusing on himself in 911 season 8. But what does that look like?
9-1-1 - ABC's "9-1-1" stars Ryan Guzman as Eddie Diaz. (Disney/Justin Stephens)
9-1-1 - ABC's "9-1-1" stars Ryan Guzman as Eddie Diaz. (Disney/Justin Stephens)

Fall television is starting and with plenty of our favorites returning, it’s time for a refresher for some characters we have been following. This includes 911 on ABC, which will premiere on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 8/7c.

For one character in particular, we’re looking at possible turmoil coming his way. Eddie Diaz (Ryan Guzman) has appeared to be doing well after he suffered from PTSD in season 5. However, season 7 made it clear he is still struggling, in particular over his late wife, Shannon (Devin Kelly).

What is in store for Eddie in 911 season 8?

Despite being in a relationship, Eddie was thrust into the past when he met a doppelganger of his wife named Kim. Against his better judgment, Eddie began seeing her in secret. It wasn’t until Kim went to the station to surprise him and ran into his best friend, Evan “Buck” Buckley (Oliver Stark), that Eddie realized he needed to put a stop to things.

Unfortunately for him, things didn’t go smoothly and his son, Christopher, spotted him with Kim. His son called his grandparents in a bid to escape from his dad. While there are mixed feelings over how things were handled in regards to Eddie being an afterthought to his parents, Eddie made the difficult choice to allow Christopher to leave. So what is next for Eddie?

According to Entertainment Weekly, Eddie would be having communication issues with Christopher, who does not want to speak to his dad. What would it take for father and son to patch things up? In essence, Eddie lost nearly everything besides his job. Season 8 will see him figuring out who he is when he is not a firefighter, parent, or son. Who is Eddie Diaz truly?

For the better part of filming, Guzman has been sporting a mustache that took social media by storm. It was confirmed that the new facial hair played a role as “a manifestation of something going on with him.” While he will eventually lose the ‘stache, we’re looking forward to seeing more of what is in store for Eddie besides the facial hair.

Eddie Diaz will be looking inward to see who he is as a person in 911 season 8

Plus with a new boss in the form of Vincent Gerrard returning to terrorize the team, it’ll be interesting to see how Eddie handles someone who is the complete opposite of Captain Bobby Nash. While Chimney Han and Hen Wilson know all too well what he is like, this is new for Eddie. 

There is plenty to look forward to once season 8 premieres. We just have to get past the bees first before diving into all of our favorite characters. Check out past episodes on Hulu to catch up before the new season!